Tag Archives: tangy

Pudina (mint) Chutney


I thought I better jot this one down as soon as possible, after a telephonic conversation with my mom, which ended with my mom yelling – “First, you don’t know what goes into the pudina chutney you have been eating since years. Second, you are trying to convince ME that MY pudina chutney contains dhania! What’s wrong with you! “ OMG! Seriously..what have I been doing? I always ate my mom’s tangy pudina chutney by bowlfuls and never ever bothered to know what goes into it except pudina and raw mango – which were the only distinct flavors. I just assumed dhania is added as an inert component, if not lending its flavor, maybe the green color? But no! As I stood with a huge bunch of dhania, pudina and green mango in front of me, the captioned phone call rendered the dhania (which I procured @ 200rs/kg) useless.

So here is the keeper for me and for anyone else who thinks all green chutneys have one default ingredient.

Pudina Chutney – cool and refreshing

Ingredients –
Pudina/ Fresh Mint leaves – 1.5 cups packed, after sorting out the stalks.
Kairi / Green, raw mango – 1 big (peel, cut into pieces, discard the seed, pray that it is sour enough)
Hari mirch / Green chili – 1 big (again, you may want to increase or decrease this as per taste)
Adrak / Ginger – ½ inch piece (peeled)
Gud/ Jaggery – 1 tbsp, grated (you may need to increase this based on 1. How sour is your mango 2. how sweet you like things to be)
Salt – ½ tsp
Jeera – ½ tsp

Method –
Put all ingredients in a blender jar and blend them together. If the pudina leaves have been washed right before, it will have enough moisture. Else, you may need to spoon in some water. Make sure it doesn’t get too runny.
Store in a steel/ glass container in the refrigerator. Stays good for 3-4 days.
Enjoy with anything and everything!

Sending this to the ‘Serve it – Blended‘ event at blog ‘ Oh Taste n See’.

Also linking it to Kirthi’s page.